Monday, November 29, 2010

The Story of Duryodhana Repeated?

In Mahabharata, inspite of committing many unrighteous acts, when Bhima kills Duryodhana by breaking the rules of the duel then Duryodhana suddenly remembers all the laws of righteousness. This is the characteristic of an adharmic person!

The Media which was so long occupying a moral high-ground (which it never originally had)...the Barkha Dutts, Vir Singhvis with their holier-than-thou attitude, who use to conduct their own trail and implicate people even before courts have their final say (Remember Kanchi Swami, Sadhvi, Modi, Indreshji), are today caught in their own trap. The hunters are being now hunted (or haunted?)

Engulfed in the whole series of accusations and the resulting loss of credence, they are crying shrill and suddenly preaching something: WE SHOULD VERIFY THE FULL EVIDENCE BEFORE IMPLICATING SOMEONE AND SHOULD NOT INDULGE IN "CHARACTER ASSASINATION".

Ahem, is it not clear who are the Duryodhanas of our times? Needless to say, they inherit all his qualities as well - arrogance, greed, unrighteousness!

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